DSD May 15, 2017: "Bluff (featuring Agnès Aokky)" - Futuro Pelo — The Guys From...

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DSD May 15, 2017: "Bluff (featuring Agnès Aokky)" - Futuro Pelo


The Guys from {MUSIC}

DSD May 15, 2017: "Bluff (featuring Agnès Aokky)" - Futuro Pelo

Shaun Cordingley

Welcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear.

Bluff - Futuro Pelo featuring Agnès Aokky

When it comes to the Daily Song Drop (and knowing my audience), I largely try and keep to music that is in English, however, I will occasionally come across a song in a different language that is just so good, that I feel like it just needs to be shared. 
That is exactly what happened with Parisian artist Futuro Pelo's "Bluff", featuring vocalist/author/DJ Agnès Aokky. Futuro Pelo categorizes their music in something they call "Electro pop-a-billy" which...I mean, I can't describe it better than that.

Give "Bluff" a listen below: 

See what I mean about their 'genre'? It's got a definite rock-a-billy aesthetic, but also takes elements of indie pop, and indie electro to create something that, even if you don't understand the words, is so-so catchy. "Bluff" has been in my head for days (although I do have the added benefit of still having some of my French still, so I'm not just saying "ba ba ba" along with it). This track is unique, fun, and just that perfect amount of quirky, that...I am sure that Futuro Pelo will end up contributing music to indie film soon.
I mean, Michel Gondry? Wes Anderson?
Come on now.

If you're wondering about how one of their songs is in English, I definitely recommend my other favorite song off of the Bluff EP "Swamp", it's even more "electro pop-a-billy" awesomeness, but with a bit of a C2C style flair. 

The DSD Playlist - Apr 17 is now available! We are sadly missing one song from the last month (again), but I'm pretty happy with how this one all came together! 

ICYMI (somehow) here is the DSD Playlist - Mar 17 , and there's also one kicking around for DSD Playlist - Feb 17 too!

See you again tomorrow (with probably another completely different sounding song, so I can hate myself come Playlist time...)

-S (@Shauncord

The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.

Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig.

photo credit: april-mo 2016-12-24 soluble (32) via photopin (license)