DSD January 22, 2018: "Tell Me Why" - Slowes — The Guys From...

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DSD January 22, 2018: "Tell Me Why" - Slowes


The Guys from {MUSIC}

DSD January 22, 2018: "Tell Me Why" - Slowes

Shaun Cordingley

Welcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear. If you enjoy the track, please share it, so we can keep on talking about great new music!

Tell Me Why - Slowes

Copenhagen based indie duo Slowes starts our week off here on the Daily Song Drop with their latest single "Tell Me Why" which you can check out below: 

When I first heard "Tell Me Why" I wasn't quite sure what to make of it--it reminded me of chill, 1980s euro-pop (and yes, as is tradition, it feels a bit Lynchian with its' synths), but at the same time, I get some chill Eagles vibes as well...
Which does not seem like it would go together...
...but I was totally singing along with the chorus by the end of my first listen (which always means that the track needs to be on the DSD). 

The production on "Tell Me Why" is excellent: there are a lot of layers to this track, but they are perfectly put together into something which works together flawlessly--I love the journey this track takes, yet it never feels the need to shift from a laid-back, dreamy tempo, but rather just adds another piece to a really cool, pop puzzle that has had me hitting repeat for the better part of the last few days. 

If you are looking for more dreamy indie pop (with soft rock vibes), and you dig "Tell Me Why", then check out some of Slowes' earlier releases including the synth-y pop ballad "U" and the heartfelt "I Need You".


For the first time ever on theguysfrom.com, here is the December Apple Music Playlist, and the December '17 Spotify Playlist! I decided that, rather than making myself crazy with a hybrid list between the two months (and thanks to the fact that I did a feature-full month) I would put this one together, which just means that the January playlist will be a tad shorter than most thanks to the TGF Top 50 Songs of 2017 (with the in countdown order Apple Music TGF Top 50 Songs of 2017 as Well as the Spotify TGF Top 50 Songs of 2017 playlists here)

If you're looking for any of our past playlists, be sure to check out a Friday DSD feature, or search for theguysfrom on either Apple Music or Spotify!

See you tomorrow for our next Daily Song Drop! 

-S (@Shauncord

The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.

Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig.

photo credit: Distant Hill Gardens Wood-fired Evaporator via photopin (license)