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EP197- The Guys' Top 10 Westerns (yahoo)


Home of The Guys From {PODCAST}, a podcast where Two Guys answer any question they are posed by their audience.

EP197- The Guys' Top 10 Westerns (yahoo)

Shaun Cordingley

This week, Shaun (@Shauncord) and Dave (@davidronn) revisit their Top 10 Westerns this week (as while it had happened before, it is very much lost to the internet gnomes at this point).

What follows is a fairly in depth conversation about Westerns (the genre Dave knows about as well as Shaun does) including The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, The Magnificent Seven, how John Wayne cannot act, and how one of Shaun's movies actually convinced him to watch other westerns!

We love to answer your questions! Hit us up individually on Twitter, together @guysfrompodcast, or via email on our website (and now that Shaun is fully away from iHorror, they do not need to keep away from horror throughout the year, so keep those questions coming too!). 

Special Thanks to The Sweets ( for our opening music ("Prairie Blues"). 

Plus, thanks to Kevin MacLeod for "Rollin at 5' Electronic" for our advertisement, and "Fearless First" wrapping the episode up. 

Fearless First Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Rollin' at 5 - electronic Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License