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EP177- Supervillainy Galore!


Home of The Guys From {PODCAST}, a podcast where Two Guys answer any question they are posed by their audience.

EP177- Supervillainy Galore!

Shaun Cordingley

This week, Shaun (@Shauncord) and Jeremy (@MightyThews) discuss supervillains in all of their (failing) glory for a pair of Annas and in honour of Comic Con. 

What follows is a conversation about their favourite supervillains across Marvel and DC, including a conversation about why the two of them felt that Daredevil on Netflix fell flat in the second season, how DC is lacking a lot of engaging villains outside of Batman and Green Lantern (with some key exceptions).
The second half has Shaun using this list of The 17 Worst & Weirdest Marvel Supervillains, and he asks Jeremy to guess who the villain (traditionally) fights, and what their power set is, based on Shaun only giving him a name. They also make fun of them a bit, and Jeremy (weirdly) actually knows a few, and does pretty well. 

Oh, and as a heads up (as we are just transitioning into having an Explicit Rating, in case it does not show up, thar be cursing in this episode) 

We love answering your questions, and we are getting set up for the craziness around here that will be August, and are ready for whatever you've got! Hit us up individually on Twitter, together @guysfrompodcast, or via email on our website 

EP177- Supervillainy Galore!
The Guys From

Special Thanks to The Sweets ( for our opening music ("Prairie Blues"). 

Plus, thanks to Kevin MacLeod for "Overcast" for our advertisement, and "Fearless First" wrapping the episode up. 

Fearless First Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Overcast  Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License