DSD June 20, 2017: "Diamonds" - Joe Flowers — The Guys From...

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DSD June 20, 2017: "Diamonds" - Joe Flowers


The Guys from {MUSIC}

DSD June 20, 2017: "Diamonds" - Joe Flowers

Shaun Cordingley

Welcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear.

Diamonds - Joe Flowers

London based indie R&B/Soul artist Joe Flowers' most recent release "Diamonds" is an excellently written track, that uses some really thoughtful layering (and piano) the create a very engaging song. 

Check "Diamonds" out below:

Flowers' vocals and lyrics are the start here: he has an excellent voice, and the lyrics are a level up from a lot of R&B/Soul--you can hear a real thought put into their construction, and the song tells more of a story than it has any right to. I feel like this is thanks in large part to the production, as while there are not too many parts to the track, there are a lot more than you first realize when you listen to "Diamonds" the first time. The beat, the extra vocals, and the looping all works together perfectly to create a song that, frankly, I'm surprised I haven't heard more since it's April release. 

"Diamonds" is Flowers' third single, after "Oh, Lover." and "Misused", which if you enjoy this track, it is interesting to hear the artist develop release, by release, and I'm very interested to hear what is next. 

Here's the May 2017 DSD Playlist! We're only missing one track this month (and I'll hopefully be able to add it in later)! It's wonderful, as always, but that should be assumed when I'm making playlists of nothing but songs I enjoy...

Come on back tomorrow for our next Song of the Day! 

-S (@Shauncord

The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.

Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig.

photo credit: PeterThoeny The bright side of the rainbow via photopin (license)