DSD July 5, 2017: "Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breathe Youth" - Blyolk — The Guys From...

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DSD July 5, 2017: "Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breathe Youth" - Blyolk


The Guys from {MUSIC}

DSD July 5, 2017: "Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breathe Youth" - Blyolk

Shaun Cordingley

Welcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear.

Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breathe Youth - Blyolk

Melbourne based "weird pop" artist Blyolk has been on my radar for a little while now as I have to say that I am intrigued by his blend of indie pop, electropop, and (occasionally) noise pop. His latest single, "Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breath Youth" is a lot of fun; check it out below:

There is a lot going on in "Shun the Sun", but it is handled very skillfully; Blyolk sounds like an artist who has really found his sound, and is now drilling down into that, finding more intricacy. This is indie pop, which Blyolk's vocals fit to a T, but it rocks an uptempo, upbeat feeling that jazzes the track up a bit, and then by the second chorus, that addition of a noise pop aesthetic....man it's just a lot of pieces that fit together like an epic indie pop jigsaw puzzle, and it all works out well (and produces a super bright picture). 

Plus, that punch-in opening is just great (and does not fit my puzzle metaphor, unless there's...aggressive box handling...so it gets it's own little paragraph....moving on....)

If you like "Shun the Sun Because I Don't Breathe Youth" do check out the few other tracks that are available from Blyolk so far, including the strange and wonderful "Artshole" (and it's captivatingly cookie and wallpaper filled video).

Here's the June 2017 DSD Playlist! We're only missing one track this month (as is tradition)! This months list was actually one of the harder ones for me to put together into something that feels (at least sort of) cohesive...I'm not sure why, but I am happy with the way it turned out in the end! 
I've also heard you, and here it is: theguysfrom playlists are now available on Spotify! You can find us by looking for theguysfrom on Spotify, click on this link for the June '17 Spotify List...I will also embed the last months' playlist on every Friday DSD. 

Come on back tomorrow for our next Song of the Day!

-S (@Shauncord

The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.

Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig.

photo credit: mildiou2 Sirene. via photopin (license)