DSD March 30, 2018: "Lost Time" - Wild Cards
Shaun Cordingley
The TGF Daily Song Drop (song of the day) for March 30, 2018 is "Lost Time" by Wild Cards!
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The TGF Daily Song Drop (song of the day) for March 30, 2018 is "Lost Time" by Wild Cards!
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Read MoreWelcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear. If you enjoy the track, please share it, so we can keep on talking about great new music!
Summer Wind - LA River Bend
Making their return to the Daily Song Drop today is indie alt folk/rock band LA River Bend with a new music video for their song "Summer Wind" off of their late 2017 EP Run These Hills.
Check the video out below:
LA River Bend presents Summer Wind Camera: Jacob Seldes, Phil Holland, Humberto Haro Jr., Jaci Acebo, Nate Weiner Editing/Graphics: Janese Rodriguez Starring: Tucker, Panda & Render Special Thanks: Atwater Village, Panavision, Jacknife Records, Trevor Baade, Natalie Fording Stroup, Moe Metta, Hugo's Tacos, Bill's Liquor, PLaNETS, Adam Stillwell, Nathaniel Peterson, Kylie Eberhardt, DUBS, Badass Bands, Jolynn Braswell, Austin Antoine, Jess Rinsky, Joe Ginsberg, Tacos Villa Corona & all of our amazing friends who made it out to the Party & helped us fight the rain!
I'm always looking for engaging, feel-good tracks, and "Summer Wind", thanks in large part to it's warm harmonies, and upbeat chorus is just that. It feels a bit like summer, a bit like you are sitting outside with some good friends (or that special someone) on a warm day and just enjoying their company.
Both of these things are totally wonderful to have, especially today, when as of writing this feature, it is currently 15 degrees below zero where I am. I love winter, but man....
I know I already briefly mentioned it, but there's something really quite charming about the two AND three part harmonies that LA River Bend work with here; not only does it lend to the tracks' warmth, but the ebb and flow of the vocals give the song a dynamism that could have easily lapsed into something repetitive, but instead, moves the track through you like the titular summer breeze (in and out, strong then soft, but always lovely and warm).
If this is your first time coming across LA River Bend, be sure to check out the rest of their Run These Hills- EP, including "Mountain" which we talked about back in November of last year.
As promised, here are the January 2018 Apple Music Playlist, and the January 2018 Spotify Playlist for the Daily Song Drop. It seems like we are starting off the month with the traditional "one song is missing" (that being "Board It Up" by Nekokat), but all in all it's a pretty fun list to start the year off!
Plus it was not the usual soul-murdering December/January blended list that always drove me nuts every year with its' "two months" of songs to try and fit together.
Who does that?
Anyway: as always, you can also check out the January Spotify List here:
ICYMI (somehow) here are the December Apple Music Playlist, November Apple Music Playlist, October 2017 Apple Music Playlist, September 2017 Apple Music Playlist August 2017 DSD Playlist July 2017 DSD Playlist, June 2017 DSD Playlist, May 2017 DSD Playlist DSD Playlist - Apr 17, DSD Playlist - Mar 17 , and there's also one kicking around for DSD Playlist - Feb 17 too!
Not to mention the fact that we totally also have a June '17 Spotify List, a July '17 Spotify List, an August '17 Spotify List, the September 2017 Spotify Playlist, October '17 Spotify Playlist, November Spotify Playlist, and December '17 Spotify Playlist too!
If you're looking for me to add these lists somewhere beyond Apple Music and Spotify (or you want some of the old lists on Spotify), you're going to have to convince me (hard) by chatting with me here, or on Twitter
If you're looking for more great music, are late to the party, or just want more theguysfrom.com in your day, here are a few other playlists:
Apple Music TGF Top 50 Songs of 2017
Spotify TGF Top 50 Songs of 2017
Apple Music Playlist for the Top 20 Songs of 2016
There are other (earlier) playlists available for you if you check older "Tuesday Tunes" articles, or search on Apple Music itself.
See you again next week with another new song!
-S (@Shauncord)
The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.
Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig.
The TGF Daily Song Drop (Song of the Day) for February 16, 2018 is "The Monster" by Bird Concerns!
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