DSD October 4, 2017: "Favourite Song" - TRASH — The Guys From...

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DSD October 4, 2017: "Favourite Song" - TRASH


The Guys from {MUSIC}

DSD October 4, 2017: "Favourite Song" - TRASH

Shaun Cordingley

Welcome to the "Daily Song Drop": theguysfrom.com's song of the day feature where our resident indie music writer and former DJ Shaun Cordingley features a song every weekday that he feels you need to hear.

Favourite Song - TRASH

Sometimes I stumble across a fuzzy bit of indie pop rock fun that I just feel the need to share along, and today's track, "Favourite Song" by Chesterfield UK's TRASH is exactly that. 

Check the track out below:

I really like the sweet (without getting saccharine), uplifting message in "Favourite Song", as the lads are essentially talking about something we all do...
...Or at least, I assume you also do considering you read the Daily Song Drop...

And that's "When everything is going wrong, you play your favourite song"; the journey of the song is very self-positive, and feels like an excellent pick-me-up for a bad day, as the lyrics/fuzzy vocals are all wrapped up in a very well executed, retro-tinged bit of hazy surf rock (with an old-school style instrumental interlude even), hidden in a modern indie pop-rock package.

In August, TRASH released TRASH - EP which features more fun and fuzzy pop rock tracks like "Favourite Song" (the finale on the EP), so if this was up your alley, or you're just looking for more of a feel-good vibe today, be sure to check it out--I particularly like the more mellow "81".

The September 2017 Apple Music Playlist and September 2017 Spotify Playlist are ready! As is tradition, the lists are missing a track ("To Do" (Be Yourself) by LEMZI), but I suppose that's just something that you're going to be used to be now considering the way this always seems to go. 

If you're looking for any of our past playlists, be sure to check out a Friday DSD feature, or serach for TGF on either Apple Music or Spotify!

See you tomorrow for our next Daily Song Drop!

-S (@Shauncord

The Guys From do not hold the rights to any "Daily Song Drop" songs, it is more our hope to expose our readers to new and different music that we are enjoying, or re-expose them to artists they may have forgotten about.

Above the description of the song will be the song name, followed by the artists' name linked to their website, so you can fall down the rabbit hole, finding and supporting what you dig

photo credit: gregorywass Cambridge, 2016 via photopin (license)